Organic chicken farming at Äntu Manor
Why choose Kikerikii organic eggs?
When standing in front of an egg shelf at a store, many people wonder why they should pick more expensive organic eggs. There are many reasons in favour of organic eggs.
Estonia’s largest organic egg producer: The price of organic eggs should be even higher
The largest organic henhouse in Estonia, built on the Pandivere Upland in Lääne-Viru County, produces more three million per year, which represents just under one percent of Estonia's total consumption.
Kikerikii organic chicken fillet wins Virumaa’s best small enterprise product award
Kikerikii! In the competition for the best Estonian food product, Kikerikii organic broiler fillet was awarded the best product of 2022 from a small enterprise in Virumaa.

About Us
Äntu Mõis OÜ is an organic farming company located in Äntu village, Lääne-Viru County, Estonia. Chicken and egg farming has been the source of income here for over twenty years. Since 2008 already, sustainable farming has been our practice, and since 2012, we have been focusing on organic poultry production. In autumn 2021, organic broiler meat was introduced under the KIKERIKII brand in addition to organic eggs.
Organic broiler meat products such as grilled products, cutlets, etc. will be available in stores under the name ÄNTU GURMEE from the summer of 2024.
The fertile lands of Pandivere also provide food for our chickens. We grow our own crops here, following the principles of sustainability. We fertilize our fields with the most precious fertilizer – chicken manure.
Behind every decision we make is the desire to preserve nature. Organic farming is close to our hearts in many ways. Huge water reservoirs are located under Pandivere Upland, which supply almost all of Estonia’s springs with clean drinking water. Our intention is not to pollute these shared water resources with pesticides.

Sustainable is superior

In order for KIKERIKII packaging to have the organic logo, we have provided our chickens with the appropriate living conditions.
Contact Us
Marketing Manager
Phone: +372 555 29595
Phone: +372 566 43118

In 2021, Äntu Mõis OÜ acquired poultry farming house equipment with the help of the rural development support sub-measure 4.1 of the common agricultural policy under the Estonian Rural Development Plan (ERDP) 2014–2020.
In 2018–2020, using the sub-measure 6.1 of the ERDP 2014–2020, Äntu Mõis OÜ purchased egg production lines for the poultry houses with the aim of making egg production more efficient, and a front-end loader for loading and clean-up.